Saturday, 9 February 2013

Inspiring attitude

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how we respond to it." We discussed this quote and then watched this inspiring video of one man who didn't let anything stop him from living life to the full. I've put it up here guys in case you want to watch it again.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Same Same But Different

In room 7 we have been talking about how we are the same in some ways but different in others. Sometimes we need to find things in common with the people we think are so different to us. In these portraits we looked at how we are the same but different visually. To create them we used photos of ourselves cut into strips and then we combined them with others to make a new face. We also created a name for our new person combining the names of those in our portrait. Creating this portrait also helped us learn the importance of alignment and symmetry in creating portraits. Great practice for some other portraits we will create soon.

Monday, 4 February 2013


Working together and encouraging each other is a must for these challenges. Room 7 were awesome and gave their best. They even managed to get the Octopede up to a jog! The tangram square still remains a challenge to master - who can be the first to do it and show me!! What would it take for a team to become even better at these challenges? Keep up the good team work room 7 - Mr Marquand.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Attitude Determines Altitude

We are about to dive into a new year of learning and discovery in room 7. A great time to remind ourselves of our awesome motto - ATTITUDE determines ALTITUDE! Your attitude will play a massive part in how your year in room 7 goes. Here are some great thoughts to think about.