Thursday 19 October 2017

Ag day

What a great agricultural day we had today. Well done to those with lambs, kids, or calves. You put in so much work and it was great to see the relationship you had with your animals.

Well done to those who had completed alternative challenges. There were some awesome electronic constructions, textiles, and a garden sculpture. Thank you for all your help being runners and helpers with the Ag day rings and the PTA.

Monday 16 October 2017

Te Pahu Challenge - SAIL

Half the class went sailing today for the Te Pahu Challenge (the other half will go this Friday). It was such an awesome day with perfect wind and weather. It was a challenge at first but the students quickly picked up the skills and learnt to use the wind and rudder to move around the lake. There was new language to learn such as mainsheet, tack, centreboard, and boom. They learnt to tie knots, set up the sail, turn a capsized boat upright (with varying success!), work as a team, and duck to avoid getting hit by the boom! well done guys. You can be proud of yourselves.

Thank you to the coaches from the Volvo Give it a go programme. There is a free open day at the Ngaroto club on the 28th October if anyone wants another turn.