Tuesday 16 April 2013

Dry ice

Our Bible in Schools teacher Mrs Graham brought some dry ice with her this week so we had an afternoon exploring its properties. We learnt that it is frozen carbon dioxide, it is -76 degrees and turns straight from a solid to a gas (Sublimation). We did all sorts of interesting experiments - mixing with water, exploding gloves, making music with it and creating big smooth bubbles. What I want to know is what is dry ice used for in real life? Let me know the results of your research in the comments.


  1. Dry ice can be used to preserve frozen foods, ice-cream, etc. You should not store dry ice in your freezer because it can shut off the frezzer because it is so cold. But if that does happen you can use dry ice to preserve you frozen goods.

  2. I had fun playing with the dry ice. shawna

  3. Dry ice can be used for special effects in a live band entrance or deathly smoke coming out of a witches ca uldron.


  4. Freezer get rid of happens when wetness within cold foods is attracted to the outer lining area, changes to ice gems, resulting in the foods to dry out. Water disappears at low temperature ranges (even well below the cold point) as well as high temperature ranges.
    Dry Ice Storage Freezers
