Friday 31 May 2013

Does colour affect taste?

We did an experiment today to see if colour affects how something tastes. Mr Marquand told us he was just seeing if we could tell what flavour each of the drinks were. We did not know that they were both lemon and lime but one had food colouring in. Nine of us thought that the red drink was some sort of berry drink. About 5 people did think they were the same. This shows that for some people colour definitely does affect how they taste a flavour - interesting! Does this mean that if we dye our peas blue they will taste like blueberries?


  1. Yes the drinks did taste a bit different from each other.

  2. As soon as I saw the drinks, I new they were both the same, and one had colouring, as the week before, I asked Mr Marquand if I could do 'Does color affect taste' for my science fair topic and he said yes. Ha Ha Ha! (They definetly taste the same!)
