Wednesday 7 August 2013

Pirongia Lodge Outdoor Classroom Project

In recent years room 7 has been involved in helping create an outdoor classroom up at Mt Pirongia. The next stage of the project is planting native plants around the outdoor classroom. We need to clear the area, source the plants through donations and sponsorship and then plant them.

We had a great introduction to this stage of the project up at the lodge. We also got to feed one of the Robins that was released earlier in the year (we made the boxes to transport the Robins). We also went on the new flying fox.

The first thing we need to do is write letters asking for peoples support through donating native plants or money for plants. So if you know where to source some native plants we would love to hear from you.


  1. I think the best part was going down the flying fox! It was soo much fun! I hope we can do that again sometime!!!

    -Taylor :)

  2. Seeing the robin was also a really cool experience. it seemed as though it was posing for the camera! It was so cute and we were really lucky to see it.

    -Taylor :)
