Wednesday 24 August 2016

Oral language - Poverty

We have had a bit of a poverty theme over the last week or so in oral language. It has been fascinating looking at the extremes in our world as well as some of the things being done to combat it. We looked at how there is a 'big picture' approach which is when people are trying to change things at a government level. There is also a 'small picture' level where people try and help individuals, families, and groups to alleviate poverty. We looked at some definitions and statistics around poverty. This also included how over the last 15 years extreme poverty has dropped. It has been great for the children to realise that our 'normal' is not everyone's normal and most people in NZ are very privileged (though not all). This website puts things into perspective Global rich list.

I shared some of my travel experiences including my visit to a rubbish dump in Cambodia where people live. We looked at various photo essays and an organisation called KIVA that sets up interest free loans for small business owners (these loans come from us - whoever is willing to join in). Here are some of the resources we used.

 Nicholas and Sophie have done a science fair project which has sought to support those in need. They have done very well at the Waikato Science fair and managed to place second. Well done guys! Such a clever invention and you put in so much work. You can be very proud. It was in the invention section of the fair and is called Cloud Juice Guttering. It is a flexible guttering that attaches by velcro to gazebos and awnings. It could be used in refugee camps to collect water and prevent mud. They have even been asked to speak on a radio station about their invention.

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