Wednesday 1 June 2016

Creative Writing

We did some creative writing on Friday titled The Wait. Here are two great sentences from a couple of students.

A droplet of icy snow landed on the back of my neck and slowly slithered its way down my spine.

As the sun sunk down the moon shot up creating a white shimmer on top of the snow. 

Here is a stunning piece of creative writing by Madeline.

The Wait

No one told me it would be like this. Silver icicles hung silently from the rich smelling pines above. My hands were frozen to the icy rock that shielded me from the deep sound of bullets coming from far away. I tried to move my feet but it was hopeless they were practically glued to my boots with gaping holes so if I moved an inch they would fill with snowy water. I started to shut my eyes from exhaustion but they wouldn’t budge. suddenly our General Curtis said in a quiet whisper “Move forward men, and stay low” I tried to move but my legs were refusing, I needed to eat. Soon my legs gave in and started to move with the men, then we stopped again and began another long wait. I looked up to the dark cyan sky and began thinking about my family back home, when a bright yellow object caught my eye.

It was a banana! The eye of food gave me the strength to move. I started to slowly climb up to pine towards it, But I wasn’t even half way before Curtis screamed at me “Get down from that tree!,’ I didn’t understand so kept climbing I reached the banana, but as soon as I grabbed the banana a shot hit me right in my gut, and I went toppling to the ground. I landed with a thud, Curtis came running over to me just as I had pealed, and slipped the banana into my freezing mouth and started to wait for the bullet to kill me.


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